Online Safety Committee Group

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Our Online Safety Committee consists of the following representatives:


  • Digital Leaders, 
  • our head teacher/Safe guarding lead (Helen Mullinger) , 
  • governors (Safeguarding - Sara Holmes)
  • ICT/Computing Lead (Frances Hazell)


We hope to increase our members to include parents and representatives from the church. 

The committee meets at least every half term to address issues that are important to our school. This will included; Resources, Safer Internet Day, policies, engagement with parents and many more.

Keeping children safe online

When we refer to online safety (this may also be called e-safety), we are talking about keeping safe when using the internet, social networks, apps and games.

Technology has transformed learning and communication for individuals and for all organisations that work with young people. However, the use of technology can also bring risks. Individuals and organisations that work with young people must be aware of these risks and must have good policies and procedures in place to ensure the online safety of users, while making the most of online opportunities.

You can find more information on the following websites.

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